store = { init: function () { this.initialize(); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ initialize: function () {"--- initialize :: -------------------------------------------------------"); $("head").append(""); $.each(this, function (k, v) { if (k.indexOf("_") == 0) { v["_root"] = "$store"; v["_eventKey"] = $store._conf._eventKey; } }); this._form._css_prefix_ = "str-"; this.css(); this._store.init(this._eventInfo); this._comm._initialize(); this.renderStore(); $("#debug").html(JSON.stringify(this._eventInfo, null, 2)); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ canNext: function (visible) { switch (visible) { case "tickets": $store._store.update(); var ret = $store._store.hasQuantity(); if (!ret) this.renderError("Choose a quantity to purchase"); return ret; case "info": $store._store.update(); } return true; }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ next: function (initial) {"next" + (initial ? " :: " + initial : "")); this.renderError(); var visible = $(".str-section:visible"); if (this.canNext("store-section"))) { var show = null; var title = ""; switch ("store-section")) { case "tickets": if ($store._store.infos() == null) { show = "cart"; title = "Checkout"; this.renderCart(); } else { show = "info"; title = "Provide Needed Info(s)"; this.renderInfo(); } break; case "info":"infos") let _valid = this._form.validateUnique();; if (_valid != "uniqueCheck") { if (_valid == 1) { show = "cart"; title = "Checkout"; this.renderCart(); } else { show = "info"; title = "Provide Needed Info(s)"; _valid); this.renderError(typeof _valid == "string" ? _valid : "Provide all required information before continuing."); } } else { return; } break; case "cart": title = "Thank You"; show = "completed"; this.renderCompleted(); break; default: show = "tickets"; title = $store._eventInfo.eventStoreButton; break; } $("#str-navigation-title").html(title); if ($(".str-section:visible").data("storeSection") != show) { $(".str-section:visible").hide(); $("[data-store-section='" + show + "']").show(); if (initial !== true) this.scrollUp(); } } }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ nextTo: function (show, title) { $("#str-navigation-title").html(title); if ($(".str-section:visible").data("storeSection") != show) { $(".str-section:visible").hide(); $("[data-store-section='" + show + "']").show(); this.scrollUp(); } }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ back: function (from) {"back" + (from ? " :: " + from : "")); this.renderError(); var visible = $(".str-section:visible"); var show = null; var back = false; var title = ""; var current ="store-section"); switch (from ? from : current) { case "info": case "code": $store._store.update(); title = $store._eventInfo.eventStoreButton; show = "tickets"; break; case "cart": if ($store._store.infos() == null) { title = $store._eventInfo.eventStoreButton; show = "tickets"; } else { show = "info"; title = "Provide Needed Info(s)"; back = true; } break; case "payment": show = "cart"; title = "Cart"; back = true; break; case "completed": show = "payment"; title = "Payment"; back = true; break; default: break; } if (show == "tickets") $store.renderTickets(); $("#str-navigation-title").html(title); + " :: " + show); $(".str-section:visible").hide(); $("[data-store-section='" + show + "']").show(); this.scrollUp(); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ renderStore: function () {"--- renderStore -------------------------------------------------------"); var html = ""; html += this.renderEvent(); html += this.renderNav(); html += this.renderTickets(); html += this.renderCode(); html += this.renderInfo(); html += this.renderCart(); //html += this.renderPayment(); html += this.renderCompleted(); this.content(html); html += this.renderTickets(); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ renderEvent: function () { return "
" + + " Store
" + this._eventInfo.event.startDate + "
"; }, renderNav: function () { return "" + "" + "" + "" + "
" + "
"; }, renderError: function (msg) { $("#str-error").hide(); if (msg) {; $("#str-error").html(msg); $("#str-error").show(); this.scrollUp(); } }, scrollUp: function () { $([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({scrollTop: $(".str-navigation").offset().top - 40}, 500); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ renderTickets: function () { if ($("[data-store-section='tickets']").length == 0) { return "
"; } var isLocalhost = window.location.hostname == "localhost"; var html = ""; $.each(this._eventInfo.products, function (i, ticket) { html += $store.renderStoreTicket(ticket, (isLocalhost ? 2 : 0)); }); var storeCodes = $; $.each(storeCodes, function (key, codeinfo) { var code = undefined; $.each($, function (i, c) { if (c.code.toUpperCase() == key.toUpperCase()) code = c; }); if (code) { html += $store.renderCode(code, codeinfo); } else { delete storeCodes[key]; } }); $; html = "
" + ($store._eventInfo.hasOwnProperty("codes") && $ != 0 ? "" : "") + "
choose quantity for each ticket and press continue
" + "
" + html + "
" + "
" + $store.renderFbPixel("fbpPageView") + "
"; $("[data-store-section='tickets']").html(html); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ renderStoreTicket: function (ticket, index) {"--- renderStoreTicket :: " + + " -------------------------------------------------------"); var html = ""; var symbol = $store._eventInfo.currency.symbol; var price = ticket.price; if (price == undefined) { var different = false; $.each(ticket.variations, function (v, variation) { if (price != undefined) { different |= price != variation.price; } price = (price == undefined || price > variation.price ? variation.price : price); }); price = (different ? "from " : "") + symbol + price; } else { price = symbol + price; } html += ""; html += " "; html += " "; html += " "; html += " "; html += " "; html += " "; html += "
" + + "" + price + "
" + this._store.inputs.number(ticket.eventProductId, index + "", "str-item-quantity str-override") + "
" + ticket.description + "
"; return html; }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ renderCode: function (code, info) { if (!info && $("[data-store-section='code']").length == 0) { return "
"; } var html; if (code) {"--- renderCode ----------------------------------------");; var symbol = $store._eventInfo.currency.symbol; var each = code.applyTo.toUpperCase() == "EACH"; var type = code.amountType; var discount = "- " + (type == "AMOUNT" ? symbol : "") + code.price + (type == "AMOUNT" ? "" : "%") + (each ? " EACH" : ""); if (!each) { var minTotal = 0.00; var maxTotal = 0.00; $.each(code.eventProducts, function (i, ep) { $.each($store._eventInfo.products, function (j, p) { if (p.eventProductId == ep.eventProductId) { var minPrice = null; var maxPrice = null; if (p.hasOwnProperty("price")) { minPrice = p.price; maxPrice = p.price; } else { $.each(p.variations, function (k, v) { if (minPrice == null || minPrice > v.price) { minPrice = v.price; } if (maxPrice == null || maxPrice < v.price) { maxPrice = v.price; } }); } minTotal += minPrice * ep.quantity; maxTotal += maxPrice * ep.quantity; } }); }); discount = symbol + (minTotal - code.price) + (minTotal != maxTotal ? " - " + symbol + (maxTotal - code.price) : ""); } html = (info ? "" : "
choose quantity for each ticket and press continue
"); html += ""; html += " "; html += " "; html += " "; html += " "; html += (each || code.exclusive ? "" : " "); html += (code.exclusive ? " " : ""); html += " "; if (code.eventProducts) { html += " "; html += ""; } html += "
" + code.code.toUpperCase() + "" + discount + (info ? "
" : "") + "
" + this._store.inputs.number(code.code, (info ? info.quantity : 1), "str-item-quantity str-override") + "
" + this._store.inputs.number(code.code, 1, "str-item-quantity str-override") + "
" + code.description + "
" + (each ? "applies to" : "includes") + ":
"; $.each(code.eventProducts, function (i, ep) { $.each($store._eventInfo.products, function (j, p) { if (p.eventProductId == ep.eventProductId) { html += "
" + + (ep.hasOwnProperty("quantity") ? "(" + (each ? "up to " + ep.quantity : ep.quantity + " count") + ")" : "") + "
" + p.description + "
"; } }); }); html += "
"; html += (info ? "" : "
"); if (info) return html; $("#str-navigation-title").html("Promo Code - " + code.code.toUpperCase()); $("[data-store-section='code']").html(html); } else { html = "
enter your promo code below and press continue
" + "
" + "
"; $("#str-navigation-title").html("Promo Code"); $("[data-store-section='code']").html(html); $(".str-section:visible").hide(); $("[data-store-section='code']").show(); } }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ processCode: function (code, quantity) { this.renderError(); if (code) { var discountCodes = $; if (quantity < 1 && discountCodes.hasOwnProperty(code)) { delete discountCodes[code]; } else { $.each($, function (i, c) { if (c.code == code) { var each = c.applyTo.toUpperCase() == "EACH"; if (!discountCodes.hasOwnProperty(code)) { discountCodes[code] = {code: code, exclusive: c.exclusive}; } discountCodes[code]["eventDiscountCodeId"] = c.eventDiscountCodeId; var quantity = $("[data-form-item-id='" + code + "']").val(); if (!each && !c.exclusive) { if (quantity < 1) { delete discountCodes[code]; } else { discountCodes[code]["quantity"] = parseInt(quantity); } } } }); } $; $("[data-store-section='code']").html(""); $store.back("code"); } else { var val = $("#str-code").val(); var code = null; $.each($, function (i, c) { if (c.code.toUpperCase() == val.toUpperCase()) code = c; }); if (code != null) { $store.renderCode(code); return; } this.renderError("The promo code you entered is not valid."); } }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ renderInfo: function () { if ($("[data-store-section='info']").length == 0) { return "
"; } //console.clear();"--- renderInfo ----------------------------------------"); var symbol = $store._eventInfo.currency.symbol; var accountInfos ="accountInfos"); var infos = this._store.infos(); var html = "
specify information for each ticket below
"; html += "
" + this._form.required() + "
"; html += "
"; $.each(infos, function (ii, info) { for (var i = 0; i < info.quantity; i++) { var price = info.price; var different = false; var accountInfo = accountInfos[info.eventProductId]; accountInfo = (accountInfo && accountInfo.length > i ? accountInfo = accountInfo[i] : null); if (info.variations) { $.each(info.variations, function (v, variation) { if (price != undefined) { different |= price != variation.price; } }); $.each(info.variations, function (v, variation) { price = (price == undefined || price > variation.price ? variation.price : price); }); } price = (different ? "from " : "") + symbol + price; html += ""; html += " "; html += " "; html += " "; html += " "; html += ""; if (info.variations) { var options = null; var value = (accountInfo && accountInfo["variation"] ? accountInfo["variation"] : ""); $.each(info.variations, function (v, variation) { options += ""; }); html += ""; html += ""; } if (info.form) { $.each(, function (pi, part) { part["product"] =; var datas = undefined; if (info.uniqueAccount && part.key == "emailAddress") { datas = {"unique": "emailAddress"}; } html += ""; html += ""; }); } if (i == 0 && info.quantity > 1) { html += ""; } html += "
" + + (info.quantity > 1 ? " #" + (i + 1) : "") + (info.uniqueAccount ? "(one per email address)" : "") + "" + price + "
" + (info.variationLabel ? info.variationLabel : "Choose a ticket").toLowerCase() + "
" + $store._store.inputs.choice(info.eventProductId, i + 1, options) + "
" + + "
" + $store._form.render(info.eventProductId, i + 1, part, (accountInfo && accountInfo[part.key] ? accountInfo[part.key] : ""), datas) + "
"; } html += "
" html += "
"; }); html += $store.renderFbPixel("fbpAddToCart"); $("[data-store-section='info']").html(html); setTimeout($store._form.validate, 500); }, renderFbPixel: function (event, price) { /* fbPixel('fbpPageView') fbPixel('fbpAddToCart') fbPixel('fbpAddPaymentInfo') fbPixel('fbpInitiateCheckout') fbPixel('fbpPurchase',record('confirmation').total) fbPixel('fbpPromoCode') */ if ($store._eventInfo.hasOwnProperty("attributes") && $store._eventInfo.attributes.hasOwnProperty("fbPixel")) { var args = "&dl="+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href); if (event == "fbpPurchase") { args = "&cd[currency]=" + encodeURIComponent($store._eventInfo.currency.code.toUpperCase()) + "&cd[value]=" + encodeURIComponent(price); } return ""; } return ""; }, copyInfos: function (id, quantity) { $("[data-form-item-id='" + id + "'][data-form-item-index='1']").each(function () { for (var index = 2; index < quantity + 1; index++) { $("[data-form-item-id='" + id + "'][data-form-item-index='" + index + "'][data-form-item-name='" + $(this).data("formItemName") + "']").val($(this).val()); } }); $store._form.validate(); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ renderCart: function () { if ($("[data-store-section='cart']").length == 0) { return "
"; } var cart = this._store.cart(); var codes = $; var html = "
"; var symbol = "$"; var subtotal = 0.0; var discount = 0.0; var fee = 0.0; var tax = 0.0; var total = 0.0; var cartItemInfo = {}; $.each(cart, function (i, item) { if (!cartItemInfo.hasOwnProperty(item.eventProductId)) { cartItemInfo[item.eventProductId] = {quantity: 0, price: 0.0}; } cartItemInfo[item.eventProductId].quantity++; cartItemInfo[item.eventProductId].price += parseFloat(item.price); symbol = item.symbol; subtotal += item.price; fee += item.fee; html += "" + "" + + "" + "" + symbol + " " + parseFloat(item.price).toFixed(2).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + "" + ""; }); $.each(codes, function (key, cc) { var code = undefined; $.each($, function (i, c) { if (key == c.code) code = c; }); if (code) { if (code.applyTo == "COLLECTION") { discount += parseFloat(code.price) * parseInt(cc.quantity); } if (code.applyTo == "EACH") { $.each(code.eventProducts, function (p, product) { if (code.amountType == "AMOUNT") { var quantity = cartItemInfo.hasOwnProperty(product.eventProductId) ? parseInt(cartItemInfo[product.eventProductId].quantity) : 0; var maxQuantity = (product.hasOwnProperty("quantity") ? parseInt(product.quantity) : 99999); discount += parseFloat(code.price) * (quantity < maxQuantity ? quantity : maxQuantity); } else { discount += parseFloat(code.price) / 100.0 * (cartItemInfo.hasOwnProperty(product.eventProductId) ? parseFloat(cartItemInfo[product.eventProductId].price) : 0); } }); } } }); storeInfo = $"store-info"); var haveBalance = parseFloat(subtotal - discount) > 0.00; subtotal = parseFloat(subtotal).toFixed(2); discount = parseFloat(discount).toFixed(2); fee = (haveBalance ? parseFloat(fee).toFixed(2) : "0.00"); tax = parseFloat((parseFloat(subtotal) - parseFloat(discount)) * (parseFloat(storeInfo.salesTax) / 100)).toFixed(2); total = parseFloat(parseFloat(subtotal) - parseFloat(discount) + parseFloat(fee) + parseFloat(tax)).toFixed(2); html += ""; html += "SUBTOTAL" + symbol + " " + subtotal.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + ""; html += (discount > 0.0 ? "DISCOUNT" + symbol + " " + parseFloat(discount * -1).toFixed(2).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + "" : ""); html += (fee > 0.0 ? "CONVENIENCE FEE" + symbol + " " + fee.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + "" : ""); html += (tax > 0.0 ? "TAX" + symbol + " " + tax.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + "" : ""); html += ""; html += "TOTAL" + symbol + " " + total.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + ""; html += $store.renderFbPixel("fbpInitiateCheckout"); $"store-totals", { subtotal: subtotal, discount: discount, fee: fee, tax: tax, total: total }); $("[data-store-section='cart']").html("
" + html + "
" + this.renderPayment() + "
"); if (haveBalance) { $store._store.stripe.populate(); } setTimeout($store._form.validate, 500); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _paymentFields: [ { "ordering": 1, "formPartType": "text", "name": "Name on Credit Card", "choices": [], "required": true, "key": "name" }, { "ordering": 2, "formPartType": "email", "name": "e-mail address", "choices": [], "required": true, "key": "emailAddress" }, { "ordering": 3, "formPartType": "phone", "name": "cellphone number", "choices": [], "required": true, "key": "phoneNumber" } ], _purchaseFields: [ { "ordering": 1, "formPartType": "text", "name": "full name", "choices": [], "required": true, "key": "name" }, { "ordering": 2, "formPartType": "email", "name": "e-mail address", "choices": [], "required": true, "key": "emailAddress" }, { "ordering": 3, "formPartType": "phone", "name": "cellphone number", "choices": [], "required": true, "key": "phoneNumber" } ], renderPayment: function () { $store.processingPayment = false; var html = ""; var haveBalance = parseFloat($"store-totals").total) > 0.00; $.each((haveBalance ? this._paymentFields : this._purchaseFields), function (pi, part) { html += "" + + ""; html += "" + $store._form.render("paymentInfo-" + part.key, 0, part, "") + ""; }); if (haveBalance) { html += "credit card information"; html += "
"; } return "
" + (haveBalance ? "Payment Information" : "Purchase Information") + "
" + "
" + this._form.required() + "
" + "" + html + "
" + "
" + "
- processing purchase -
"; }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ processPayment: function () { if ($store._form.validate()) { var haveBalance = parseFloat($"store-totals").total) > 0.00; $("#str-buttons-payment").hide(); $("#str-message-payment").show(); if (haveBalance) { $store._store.stripe.token(); } else { $store._store.processPurchase(); } } else { this.renderError("Provide all required payment information."); } }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ renderCompleted: function () { if ($("[data-store-section='cart']").length == 0) { return "
"; } var html = ""; html += "
"; html += "
Thank you for your purchase!
"; html += "
Your order has been successfully processed.
"; html += "
Your order number is " + $ + ".
"; html += "
View/Print Your Receipt
"; html += "
You should receive an email with your event check-in details and purchase receipt within the next 5 minutes. If you do not, please check your Spam folder! Mark the email as safe if it landed there so your check-in details are easily accessible in your inbox for the event.
"; html += "
If you do not receive an email from us, please email or call (865) 531-3941 for quick assistance.
"; html += "
We hope you enjoy the event!
"; html += "
"; html += "
"; html += $store.renderFbPixel("fbpPurchase",$"store-totals").total); $("[data-store-section='completed']").html(html); $"store", {}); $"accountInfos", {}); ${}); }, formatDates: function (json, which, pre) { if (json) { var start = (json.hasOwnProperty("availableStartDate") && (which == null || which == "availableStartDate") && json.availableStartDate != null ? json.availableStartDate : (json.hasOwnProperty("startDate") && json.startDate != null ? json.startDate : null)); var end = (json.hasOwnProperty("availableEndDate") && (which == null || which == "availableStartDate") && json.availableEndDate != null ? json.availableEndDate : (json.hasOwnProperty("endDate") && json.endDate != null ? json.endDate : null)); if (start == null && which != undefined) { start = json[which]; end = json[which]; } if ((start != null && !start.hasOwnProperty("year")) || (end != null && !end.hasOwnProperty("year"))) { return ""; } if (start != null && end != null) { if ( == { if ( == { if ( == { return "" + start.month.short + " " + + ", " + + ""; } else { return "" + start.month.short + " " + + "-" + + ", " + + ""; } } else { return "" + start.month.short + " " + + " - " + end.month.short + " " + + ", " + + ""; } } else { return "" + start.month.short + " " + + ", " + + " - " + end.month.short + " " + + ", " + + ""; } } else if (start != null) { return "" + (pre != undefined ? pre : "from") + " " + start.month.short + " " + + ", " + + "" } else if (end != null) { return "" + (pre != undefined ? pre : "until") + " " + end.month.short + " " + + ", " + + "" } return "no dates available"; } }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ render: function (type) { switch (type) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case "receipt":; $("#str-message-payment").hide(); $("#str-buttons-payment").show(); break; case "error": this.renderError("Error occurred processing payment. " + $store._eventInfo.error.error); $("#str-message-payment").hide(); $("#str-buttons-payment").show(); break; case "uniqueCheck": if ($store._eventInfo.uniqueCheck.status != "success") { this.renderError($store._eventInfo.uniqueCheck.status); } else { $store.nextTo("cart", "Checkout"); $store.renderCart(); } break; } }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ content: function (html) { $("#store-" + $store._conf._eventKey.toLowerCase()).html("
" + html + "
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This ticket is for the Bride, Groom or Partner only! Your emailed receipt is your ticket into the show.<\/strong><\/p>", "feeType": { "percentageAmountOther": "0.00", "percentageAmountType": "default", "dollarAmount": "0.00", "dollarAmountOther": "0.00", "name": "Default Ticket - No Fee", "percentageAmount": "0.000", "percentageAmountOtherType": "default" }, "productType": "Ticket" }, { "variationLabel": "", "maxPurchaseQuantity": 0, "price": "0.00", "variations": [], "eventProductId": 5206, "name": "Guest Ticket", "description": "

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" - " + : ""), price: price, symbol: storeInfo.currency.symbol, quantity: 1, fee: (parseFloat(product.feeType.dollarAmount) + (price * parseFloat(product.feeType.percentageAmount))),}; if (info) { var accountFields = ",name,companyName,contactName,emailAddress,phoneNumber,mobilePhoneNumber,streetAddress1,streetAddress2,city,state,country,zip,"; var attributes = {}; $.each(info,function(field,value){ if(accountFields.indexOf(","+field+",") == -1){ attributes[field] = value; } }); if (Object.keys(attributes).length != 0) { info["attributes"] = attributes; } cartItem["accountInfo"] = info; if (info.hasOwnProperty("variation")) { cartItem["eventProductVariationId"] = info.variation; cartItem.fee = (parseFloat(variation.feeType?variation.feeType.dollarAmount:product.feeType.dollarAmount) + (price * parseFloat(variation.feeType?variation.feeType.percentageAmount:product.feeType.percentageAmount))); delete info.variation; } } cart.push(cartItem); } } });; return cart; }, processPurchase: function (token) {"### STORE :: processPurchase :: " + token); var subtotal = 0.0; var fee = 0.0; var cart = $store._store.cart(); var json = {eventId: $store._eventInfo.event.eventId, name: $("[data-form-item-id='paymentInfo-name']").val(), emailAddress: $("[data-form-item-id='paymentInfo-emailAddress']").val(), phoneNumber: $("[data-form-item-id='paymentInfo-phoneNumber']").val(), paymentType: 1, products: [], eventDiscountCodes: []}; if (token) { json["stripeToken"] = token; } var codes = {}; $.each($, function (c, storeCode) { codes[storeCode.eventDiscountCodeId] = {eventDiscountCodeId: storeCode.eventDiscountCodeId, eventDiscountCodeCount: 0, code: null}; if (storeCode.hasOwnProperty("quantity")) { codes[storeCode.eventDiscountCodeId].eventDiscountCodeCount = storeCode.quantity; } $.each($, function (i, c) { if (c.eventDiscountCodeId == storeCode.eventDiscountCodeId) codes[storeCode.eventDiscountCodeId].code = c; }); }); $.each(cart, function (index, item) { var product = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item)); delete product.fee; delete; delete; delete product.price; delete product.symbol; json.products.push(product); subtotal += item.price; fee += item.fee; }); $.each(codes, function (c, code) { if (code.code.amountType == "AMOUNT") { var eventDiscountCodeProductCount = 1; if (code.code.applyTo == "COLLECTION") { eventDiscountCodeProductCount = 0; $.each(code.code.eventProducts, function (cp, codeProduct) { eventDiscountCodeProductCount += codeProduct.quantity; }); } $.each(code.code.eventProducts, function (cp, codeProduct) { var avail = 0; var used = 0; if (code.code.applyTo == "EACH") { avail = (codeProduct.hasOwnProperty("quantity") ? parseInt(codeProduct.quantity) : 9999); } else { avail = codeProduct.quantity * code.eventDiscountCodeCount; } $.each(json.products, function (p, cart_product) { if (used < avail && codeProduct.eventProductId == cart_product.eventProductId && !cart_product.hasOwnProperty("eventDiscountCodeId")) { used++; cart_product["eventDiscountCodeId"] = code.eventDiscountCodeId; cart_product["eventDiscountCodeProductCount"] = eventDiscountCodeProductCount; if (code.code.applyTo == "EACH") { code.eventDiscountCodeCount++; } } }); }); } else { $.each(json.products, function (p, product) { product["eventDiscountCodeId"] = code.eventDiscountCodeId; product["eventDiscountCodeProductCount"] = 1; code.eventDiscountCodeCount++; }); } }); $.each(codes, function (c, code) { if (code.eventDiscountCodeCount > 0) { json.eventDiscountCodes.push({eventDiscountCodeId: code.eventDiscountCodeId, eventDiscountCodeCount: code.eventDiscountCodeCount}); } }); json["total"] = parseFloat($"store-totals").total).toFixed(2);; $store._comm._post("/api/embedPurchase", json); }, hasQuantity: function () { var store = $"store"); var ret = false; $.each(store, function (key, item) { ret |= item.quantity > 0; }); return ret; }, inputs: { number: function (id, val, cls) { return ""; }, choice: function (id, index, options, cls) { return ""; } }, stripe: { init: function () { try { if ($"store-info").hasOwnProperty("stripeConnectedAccount")) { $store["stripe"] = Stripe($"store-info").stripePublishableKey, {"stripeAccount": $"store-info").stripeConnectedAccount}); } else { $store["stripe"] = Stripe($"store-info").stripePublishableKey); } } catch (e) { setTimeout(this.initStripe, 1000); } }, populate: function () { if ($store.stripe) { if ($store.stripe.elements()) { var style = {base: {color: '#32325d', fontFamily: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif', fontSmoothing: 'antialiased', fontSize: '14px', '::placeholder': {color: '#aab7c4'}}, invalid: {color: '#fa755a', iconColor: '#fa755a'}}; var elements = $store.stripe.elements(); $store["card"] = elements.create('card', {style: style}); $store.card.mount('#card-element'); $store.card.addEventListener('change', function (event) { if (event.error) { $store.renderError(event.error.message); } }); } } }, token: function () { var name = $("[data-store-item-id='name']").val(); var emailAddress = $("[data-store-item-id='email']").val(); var phoneNumber = $("[data-store-item-id='phoneNumber']").val(); $store.stripe.createPaymentMethod({type: "card", card: $store.card, billing_details: {name: name, email: emailAddress, phone: phoneNumber}}).then(function (result) { if (result.error) { $("#str-message-payment").hide(); $("#str-buttons-payment").show(); $store.renderError(result.error.message); } else { $store._store.processPurchase(; } }); }, } } , //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _form: { _css_prefix_: "", render: function (id, index, field, value, datas) { return this[field.formPartType](id, index, field, value, datas); }, text: function (id, index, field, value, datas) { return ""; }, email: function (id, index, field, value, datas) { return ""; }, phone: function (id, index, field, value, datas) { return ""; }, hidden: function (id, index, field, value, datas) { return ""; }, date: function (id, index, field, value, datas) { return ""; }, choice: function (id, index, field, value, datas) { var choices = ""; $.each(field.choices, function (i, c) { choices += ""; }); return ""; }, required: function () { return "required

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"[data-form-item-index='" + index + "']" : "") + ":visible"); var value = parent.val() + ""; if (parent.length == 0 || value != parentValue) { $(this).hide(); $("[data-form-lbl-id='" + $(this).data("formItemLblId") + "']").hide(); } else { $(this).show(); $("[data-form-lbl-id='" + $(this).data("formItemLblId") + "']").show(); } } }); $("[data-store='" + $store._form._eventKey + "']:visible").each(function () { var id = $(this).data("formItemId"); var val = $(this).val(); var name = $(this).data("formItemName"); var type = $(this).data("formItemType"); var required = $(this).data("formItemRequired"); var requiredCss = $(this).data("formItemRequiredCss"); if (iid == undefined || (iid != undefined && (iid == id))) { $(this).removeClass(requiredCss); valid = true; if (id && required && !val) { valid = false; } if (val) { switch (type) { case "email": valid = $store._form.validateEmailAddress(val); break; case "phone": valid = $store._form.validatePhone(val); break; } switch (name) { case "state": valid = $store._form.validateState(val); break; case "zip": valid = $store._form.validateZip(val); break; } } _valid &= valid; if (!valid) $(this).addClass(requiredCss); } }); return _valid; }, validateUnique: function (iid) { var _valid = this.validate(); if (_valid) { var uniques = {}; var duplicates = false; $("[data-unique]").each(function () {$(this).data()); if (!uniques.hasOwnProperty($(this).val())) { uniques[$(this).val()] = $(this).data("formItemId"); } else { duplicates = true; _valid = "Only one " + $(this).data("formItemProduct") + " per " + $(this).data("formItemLbl") + " can be purchased."; } }); if (!duplicates) { var emailsProducts = []; $.each(uniques, function (email, eventProductId) { emailsProducts.push({emailAddress: email, eventProductId: eventProductId}); }); if (emailsProducts.length != 0) { $store._comm._post("/api/purchasedProductCheck", emailsProducts); return "uniqueCheck"; } } } return _valid; }, validateEmailAddress: function (value) { return /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test(value); }, validatePhone: function (value) { return /^[\+]?[(]?[0-9]{3}[)]?[-\s\.]?[0-9]{3}[-\s\.]?[0-9]{4,6}$/im.test(value); }, validateState: function (value) { return /^(A[BLKSZRAEP]|BC|C[AOT]|D[EC]|F[LM]|G[AU]|HI|I[ADLN]|K[SY]|LA|M[ABDEHINOPST]|N[BCDEHJLMVSY]|O[NHKR]|P[AERW]|QC|RI|S[CDK]|T[NX]|UT|V[AIT]|W[AIVY])$/.test(value); }, validateZip: function (value) { return /^[0-9A-Z -]{1,10}$/.test(value); } } , //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _storage: { store: function (key, value) { if (window.localStorage) { if (key !== undefined) { if (value !== undefined) { if (value != null) { value = JSON.stringify(value); window.localStorage[this._eventKey + "-" + key] = value; if (window.localStorage[this._eventKey + "-" + key] != value) alert("SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to store local data!!!"); return window.localStorage[this._eventKey + "-" + key] == value; } else { delete window.localStorage[this._eventKey + "-" + key]; } } else { if (window.localStorage[this._eventKey + "-" + key]) { return JSON.parse(window.localStorage[this._eventKey + "-" + key]); } return {}; } } } } } , //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _comm: { _uri: "", _initialize: function () { $("body") .append("") .append("
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